She gifted me a channel download: “
Write it all down.”
I chose to listen.
And so it is…
Typewriter scribed by the Farmer’s Market Typewriter Poet Angel Fairy Goddess Oracle.
Mar Vista, 2018
Jess Magic whispered to me, “Do what you do not to be good, share what you share to be liberated & free.”
You see, it took me half a century. To finally cool to the uncertainty, releasing your view of me into the breeze, because it’s not corded to me,
And I’m not corded to it. We’ve all done that shit. Can we all just be done with that self-limiting bullshit bit?
As we all answer that call, there is no doubt that we are living our legacy, breathing deliciously into our dharma, expressing without pressing, not trying to be impressing, from a space open, drama, free, living as synchronicity, unhurried, unworried, feeling earth-connected worldly. It’s not about me, it’s not even about we, it’s about the broader boat, we decide to row, attuned to just be, free.
Perform? Take the gun away from your head. You are the only one that’s playing dead. We get to hold it with love instead, realize each night we lay our head on the bed, to breath to sleep, it’s Not that deep, to no longer inhibit, awaken to there’s only gold within it. The trigger is unloaded, you are already, and always golden. Take a breath and see life flowing like the leaves like a forest of strong oak trees. I like watching all your movies, because it reminds me to just smile and breathe, to receive with ease. Pretty please.
Prayerform over perform.
Signed with drops of gold, you know it…