Weaving One Golden Thread & Sharing Drops of Gold

She gifted me a channel download: “

Write it all down.

I chose to listen.

And so it is…

Typewriter scribed by the Farmer’s Market Typewriter Poet Angel Fairy Goddess Oracle.

Mar Vista, 2018

Jess Magic whispered to me, “Do what you do not to be good, share what you share to be liberated & free.”

You see, it took me half a century. To finally cool to the uncertainty, releasing your view of me into the breeze, because it’s not corded to me,

And I’m not corded to it. We’ve all done that shit. Can we all just be done with that self-limiting bullshit bit?

As we all answer that call, there is no doubt that we are living our legacy, breathing deliciously into our dharma, expressing without pressing, not trying to be impressing, from a space open, drama, free, living as synchronicity, unhurried, unworried, feeling earth-connected worldly. It’s not about me, it’s not even about we, it’s about the broader boat, we decide to row, attuned to just be, free.

Perform? Take the gun away from your head. You are the only one that’s playing dead. We get to hold it with love instead, realize each night we lay our head on the bed, to breath to sleep, it’s Not that deep, to no longer inhibit, awaken to there’s only gold within it. The trigger is unloaded, you are already, and always golden. Take a breath and see life flowing like the leaves like a forest of strong oak trees. I like watching all your movies, because it reminds me to just smile and breathe, to receive with ease. Pretty please.

Prayerform over perform.

Signed with drops of gold, you know it…




A full half century living sub-half full, seeing everyone around me as worthy and golden - but myself - I finally began my journey to let go of my lies in disguise, unleashing on the pages of a journal staring into the Vermont explosion of the Fall Foliage.

Below is the life 2.0 “floetic” letter I penned to myself in 2014 on a buffer day of an Aya Ceremony.

Each stanza a remembrance, a reframe, a reveal, to claim my own self-love voice.

Then, I buried it for two years, not sharing with anyone out of fear of ridicule. Self-ridicule.

When I finally shared it in 2015 with another, I came to realize it wasn’t about me, it never was. It is about we. And within that, I was emboldened to go on a material journey to follow my thread, that lead to the self-expression movement, One Golden Thread.

This is my truth story. Perhaps it will also speak to yours.

This is a three part invitation: Intention, Integration and Ignition.

And as you receive, see that there are no answers, just gateways to discover your own.

Our human nature is golden.

Welcome home.

To You.




Each and every breath is a choice to rise and realize there is no enemy inside.

To quiet that inner-riot, is to live life alive.

Right here, is a choice to choose freedom & liberation from fear.

To swim in our dark with open eyes, years of fears rise, to wisdom, sparked from our open hearts.

Each time we choose to breathe with our pain, life lessons revealed, our most treasured human gains.

Each moment we choose love, kindness, and soul.

Our inner ego shines as our quiet hero, our river, our life flows, letting go.

Pain to pleasure, imagined failure, euphoric once again.

Chasing the light, lost in the dark, this day is a choice to see & receive those highs and lows, as illusions just the same.

Our past stuck stories that self-judge and criticize, we now see the truth, they were lies in disguise.

This moment, is to choose our current experience as the Master Guide of our “why.”



Five simple words: Love yourself, embrace thy shadow.

I now allow myself to see and be seen; thus I see you and you see me.

Our minds unlocked, our hearts unblocked, our voice reclaimed.

Those three keys released. The Alchemist search for answers in others may cease.

Opening me and we to just be, free.

Within that golden vibe, we know our lighthouse shines, from inside.

And when we stray from our way, the gift of our birth is returned grateful from our inner nature,

and the green and blue grace of Mother Earth.



How do we light it? Ignite it?

This tribe, open, unified, electrified, a planetary magic carpet ride.

Self-love invites and ignites a shared love.

Whatever your chosen energy source,

feel that beacon course through you as your life force.

This emotion, our devotion in motion.

I love the way we love.

We live to love, we love to live,

Awake in the chance, when we stumble, perfectly imperfect, we make it part of our dance.

In our world, we are surrendered, to love.

We trust the trust.

It resides inside us, amplified all around us.

The love that you are is the love that we are.

We are golden, connected together as one golden thread.

So lead with love. Be joyful. Live curious. Adventure to discover.

Embracing our lives, as Animals of Life, always playful lovers.

JMS | 2014


a collection of floetry

by the floet




After all the love shops, workshops, mountaintops, plant medicine and Burning Men…

I’ve come to realize one thing: We are not good. We are golden.

Could it be, just possibly, that simple. That’s it. We are each worthy. We’re enough. We don’t need to be fixed.

We can choose to let go our old stuck stories, to just shed that shit.

There’s no need to change, because to truly heal, we can choose to well and just reveal.

We see it’s a choice, to release dis ease, to ease, to renew from within a welcomed inner peace.

And within that reveal, we can embrace what is real.

Any numbness wells, to feel all the feels.

To simply stay open to being Open, is how we trust the trust.

Synchronicity fires within me, we and us.

Most dope mantra expression? From the man back in the day, the bridge builder himself JFK, who said,

“Rising tides lift all ships.”

Well perhaps, if we lean in and listen, we will realize the gift, the secret, the self-permission to shift and pivot.

Because even in our darkest waters, casting us about and adrift, to simply stay committed to our inner gold.

You, me and we each become both the rising tide and the ship that lifts.

thefloet | 2017

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Think back to that first moment (and that moment might be right here, right now)…

That you started to give zero fucks, about anyone else’s opinions of you.

Because that’s when you clear the decks for your infinite fucks, your transcendent truth.

We are all our own healers, as mirrors, to witness each other being our own revealers.

No more woo woo, no more gurus.

You are spirit-full over spiritual, the gold already resides inside you.

Love your self without condition,
embracing the unconditional love language of the universe, your intuition.

Say “yes” to life with no hesitations and reservations,

free dive into the unknown beyond your comfort zone, expectations.

It’s your choice to claim your golden voice.

It’s time we all share our gifts with increased ignition.

When in doubt, get out.

While embracing the Magical Mystery of uncertainty, the golden gift of your life journey.

You’ve realized we are all more liberated and free together than apart.

Each moment is a choice point, to choose to live from an open heart.

You keep your eyes on all the blessings, you now know residing inside that deepest dark fear cave, shines our deepest soul lessons.

And you will never forget: This is all supposed to be fun.

So yes, fuck yes, let’s have some.

JMS | 2021

co-spirited with Kat benzova that led to the Yes Fuck Yes Wrap



We've all embraced the mantra an attitude of gratitude. What's the funny thing about words? These sacred words we use like love, sorry and gratitude sometimes just word we toss in the sentences that feel more like platitudes. How does it feel in our bones what we say versus what our integrity we own? Let's go back to gratitude. 

I used to seduce the light. I was a light chaser, running from shadow, piercing out to anything that would feel bright. I was hiding from my gold, feeling asleep at the wheel. How many minutes of deepening gratitude I self stole from my own soul this gratitude with attitude while my life pivoted and deepened when I changed my longitude and my latitude to shift my perspective to see that there is no good and bad that it’s all just one big mirrored reflective you see.

I used to only list the things of gratitude that were the highest, latest, highs the things I perceived seemingly to set me free now I am grateful not just for the shiny bits I am grateful for every bit. Let me repeat that bit. Be grateful for not just the shiny bits be grateful for every bit.

 So no longer grateful just for the dopamine good bits when's the first, last time the first thing I said I was grateful for was the shit.

Let me be rawthentic. In my past I have said that I am grateful for my good health because we all know that health is our wealth. But what I wish to share is I am so grateful for my current health scares because in these moments of now life moves from a retrospective or a future feeling to honor a true perspective. 

Be grateful for not just the shiny bits be grateful for every bit. So with this next in breath I invite you to ignite take it in with me now the good, the bad, the golden next next breath life becomes even more precious. 


Sustainable fashion. This time we redefine a sublime. This time a new possibility of fuel 2s as a resourceful nature. Let's plant trees, which also benefits the seed of all interconnected. And we see that as we move from planetary disease to ease each received 1s generation is the Tidbit party for all. A global movement for all who wish to answer the call. What is your nature of the call? 

Listen →

regeneration vs. sustainability

 Fast fashion is the forgotten frontier no longer. So how do we unfuck fast fashion? Through regenerative fashion. Supernatural materials. Good for earth. With a model that gives back to earth every item sold. Plants, a tree. We stand for regenerative. You are golden. We are all connected as one golden thread. 

be weird af

 Do you remember that word when you were a kid that actually brought you shame? You are weird. Well, guess what, my friends? That was you acting your most supernatural self. And that is you following your destiny. There's this guy named Webster, he wrote a book, look it up. It is you being weird as fuck, acting supernatural and following your destiny. You are golden. Be weird as fuck.




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